About me

Welcome to Fish in Raincoats online shop.

My name is Vicky, I create what you see on here from my narrowboat home Faulknor where I live with hubby Steve and dog Alf. 

We travel the UK inland waterways as Roving Traders and in addition to this online shop will be popping up my little shop along the towpath and at canal events, head along to my Facebook page for up to date pop up locations and events.

For many years now I have been an avid creator, tinkerer and designer of things, Jewellery is my primary passion but I also greatly enjoy drawing, painting, loom knitting and experimenting with new crafts. I have studied Silversmithing and love giving new life to old and discarded items, especially watches and watch movements, they make me happy! 

I love sourcing items from charity shops, antique shops, markets and online, my minds eye is always seeing objects potential and the possibilities for other uses and new life.

Fish in Raincoats is a series of character drawings I have done which will be available as prints at a later date.

Thank you again for reading this and please contact me if you have any questions.